Research and Development ​Rickettsia, Q fever, Lyme Disease, animal borne Chlamydia`s

Rickettsia Case Study

of Izak Labuschagne

For a snapshot of the latest interaction with Australia`s Centrelink, COACT, Medicare TGA and AMB see the first R&D MS Word file here and PDF here.

A FB page (with a lot of links) and new domain has been created for Specialist Dr. Cecile Jadin in Johannesburg, South Africa to help protect her from those unscrupulous scientists and specialist that seek to plagiarise her work and sell it as their own.

See the Jadin protocol:

  1. ​On her new private domain Web Page here
  2. On Facebook here
  3. On ME Pedia here
  4. As searched on Google here
The links to collaborating institutions will be featured here in due course too.

As well as links to pier reviewed papers and opinions or researchers scientists and specialists.

For some background and how the Obsessive Compulsive Regulation Disorder culture of Australia has impacted Izak, see the following quote from his Australian overview page:

Health Sabotaged by OCRD - Obsessive Compulsive Regulation Disorder.

These strategies were further severely compromised by a rapid deterioration in a medical condition inherited from Africa called Rickettsia, which is a bit like Lyme disease.

The condition manifests as debilitating CFS.

In my case, tried and tested treatment regimes held it in check for some 20 years.

The deterioration was caused by Australia's Obsessive regulation regime's spurred on by the COVID19 emergency management overreach that culminated in the actual banning of some basic treatment regimes such as simple prophylactics like HCQ and widely used anti-parasitic treatments like Ivermectin. Neither Lyme disease nor Rickettsia is recognized as a debilitating condition in Australia.

​ The banned treatments are used in both conditions. These developments resulted in a downward spiral in the condition which quickly became impossible to manage causing almost permanent debilitation and necessitating the accessing of Centrelink as a safety net.

Subsequently (, some of the medication (HCQ) has been unbanned (April/May 2022). Resultant recovery now enables me to function between debilitating cycles.

What is more is that my risk of adverse reactions to mRNA based treatments and experimental pseudo vaccines are at levels, so unacceptably high that it would have been suicidal to participate in those experiments. Moreover, disability policies installed to mitigate risk regarding my debts in South Africa were to be repudiated by those insurers should I have participated in the mandates rolled out by the Australian government. The Australian government refused to provide any exemptions. Thus effectively banning me from doing gigs, contract work or any other meaningful employment.

For a while there I lived in a barn on a farm in order to escape the almost fanatical persecution of anyone resisting vaccine and mask mandates.

The unbanning of the medication and recent lifting of mandates has enabled me to do the odd gig and start quoting for maintenance work with real estate agents etc.

In late 2023 I embarked on a business trip to South Africa during which time I was retested by the only laboratory acceptable to my specialist physician in Johannesburg. The tests revealed that the condition had deteriorated significantly. Lyme disease was now added to the mix as was Q fever, an Australian strain of rickettsia and an underlying pneumonia.

As for getting Centrelink to continue payments because the treatment is not available in Australia, they denied the request stating that treatment was available in Australia. They are incapable or unwilling to refer me to their imaginary physicians and pathology laboratories however.

After being referred to a specialist professor and dean of medicine of an Australian university and the Mc Manus Foundation, I learnt that the medical authorities in Australia do not recognise tick borne diseases or even Lyme disease never mind rickettsia, even though two strains of rickettsia unique to Australia have been identified.

​ The insanity of that attitude is only bettered by the schizophrenia of them allowing the treatment of Q fever. Seems OCRD is at Mass Formation Psychosis levels amongst certain administrative officials in Australia.

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